Use The Following Tips To Ease Your Pain and Learn What Foods You Can Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal
- Eating cold food can soothe your poor mouth
- Avoid eating grainy or spicy hot food as they can irritate your wounds
- Also, avoid using straws as the suction pressure can hurt the toothless sockets
- You will be forced to have painkillers often, but try not to get addicted to them
You can read more about post – wisdom tooth extraction care here.
During your first few days focus on these foods as a guide on what to eat after getting your wisdom teeth out:
- Green vegetable smoothies – Smoothies of apples, zucchini and broccoli are not only nutritious but can soothe the wounded sockets.
- Mashed potatoes – The classic creamy mashed potatoes are can fill you with instant energy.
- Creamy vegetable soups – Amazingly delicious treats that is best for sore mouth days. Let the cheese croutons bathe in the soup long enough to get soft and nice.
- Soft scrambled eggs with cheese – You can have any kind of eggs and combine it with the deliciously soft ricotta for that extra protein.
- Ice-creams – Now is the time when your doctor tells you to eat ice creams. Preferably, a soft- serve ice-cream can reduce soreness and pain.
- Home-made cottage cheese – Eat it scrambled or combine it with eggs and tomatoes. They are beautifully soft and very appetizing.
- Puddings – If you have a sweet tooth you will love this food. Make it with cream of wheat to add a dash of nutrition and surprise.
Some foods like macaroni and cheese may look soft but are chewy and can be hard on your mouth. Try overcooking your pastas to make them soft. Also, avoid acidic foods as they may cause a stinging sensation near those wounded parts.
Gradually increase the thickness of your food depending on how your mouth feels. Make sure that you are getting adequate nutrition with diet that includes proteins and Vitamin C predominantly.
To know more about wisdom tooth extraction, contact Green Meadow Dental at 3579 B Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06111 (860)-865-0056. Families from Cromwell find the easy drive to Newington well worthwhile because or our expertise and modern facilities, our friendly dental team and the relaxing disposition of Dr. Mukund.We also service patients from surrounding areas including Portland, Meriden and Weathersfield.
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Newington, CT 06111
Phone: (860) 865-0056
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