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Protecting Your Teeth Throughout The Fall and Winter Seasons Newington, CT

Protecting Your Teeth Throughout The Fall and Winter Seasons

The excitement for a nice weather change and fun fall activities is no reason to forget the importance of good oral care. Extreme temperature changes are often accompanied by common illnesses that can be rough on the teeth. In addition, the holiday feasts and social gatherings are full of indulgent treats that may be hard… Continue reading


Cosmetic bonding or Tooth Colored fillings can be used to fill cracks, chips and other defects with a natural looking, durable substance that will blend perfectly with your natural teeth. This is a fast, affordable way to fix minor issues until more permanent solution can be found. If your teeth don’t quite live up to… Continue reading

Cosmetic Treatments for a Reshapen, Radiant, and Rejuvenated Smile

  The benefit of having exceptional oral care is the opportunity to pursue beautifying treatments for a perfect smile. Teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and realignment are only a few examples of cosmetic options offered by our Rocky Hill dentist. An expert treatment plan tailored to your goals will leave you with the bright, radiant smile… Continue reading

10 Things to know about Teeth Griniding

What is teeth grinding, and how many people experience this issue in their lifetime? People that suffer from involuntary jaw movement while they sleep are causing their top and bottom teeth to grind or clench together. The condition referred to as bruxism can be considered a sleep disorder, and it does range in severity from… Continue reading

Understanding Periodontal Disease and Learning to Control the Problem

It is estimated that there are 3 million new cases of periodontal disease each year in the United States alone. With nearly half of all American adults suffering from some severity of Periodontitis, it’s important to understand the condition and ways to manage the symptoms. Proper care is essential to preventing infections and other complications… Continue reading

The Best Order For Brushing, Flossing, Tongue Scraping & MouthWash

What is the best brush, floss and mouthwash order to use for proper oral hygiene? This a great question. Given the composition of mouthwashes available at pharmacies… here is the ideal sequence in a nutshell: Learn The Best Mouthwash Floss & Brushing Order

Six reasons to replace your missing tooth with dental implant

Dental implant is the modern dentistry’s best option for replacing missing teeth. It is an artificial tooth root placed into the jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. They are good option for people who have lost their teeth due to tooth decay, gum disease or   injury.

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3579B Berlin Turnpike
Newington, CT 06111


(860) 865-0056

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MON: 9:00am - 5:00pm
TUES: 9:00am - 5:00pm
WED: 9:00am - 5:00pm
THURS: 9:00am - 5:00pm
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