Eight orthodontic problems corrected by Six Month Smiles procedure
When your teeth get exposed to hot or cold temperature that creates severe discomfort and pain, they have sensitivity problem. Such discomfort makes it hard for people to enjoy their favorite foods. But not to worry anymore!
You may feel overwhelmed to see so many toothpaste options available at the grocery store or pharmacy. However, remember that the best option is the one which suits your dental needs perfectly.
Dental filling is the best way to restore a damaged or decayed tooth to its normal function and shape. Although silver amalgam fillings are cheaper and most commonly used yet they lack aesthetics. Here are two aesthetics fillings you can ask your dentist:
Mouth ulcers are painful. Generally they are round or oval in shape that appear inside the mouth, mostly on the cheeks and lips. They are white, yellow or grey in color with red inflamed rims .
The habit of chewing gum dates back 3000 years. It is a soft substance used for chewing and not for swallowing. The process of chewing gum involves increased saliva flow in the mouth. It washes away acids produced from break down of stale food particles in the mouth. Too much acid breaks down tooth enamel… Continue reading
Studies show that our smile can be noticed from as far as 300 feet and makes us identifiable even from a good distance. The dazzle of our smile depends a lot on the color of our teeth. Therefore, teeth-whitening is one of the most common cosmetic procedures sought for. With many over-the-counter (OTC) options and… Continue reading
A dental procedure like removal of a tooth from its socket can be a painful and distressing experience. “Before opting for tooth extraction, every effort will be made to eliminate the disease and retain the tooth. However, in some cases, a tooth extraction becomes inevitable”, says Dr. Ranjitha Mukund, Green Meadow Dental, 3579 B Berlin… Continue reading
Tooth extraction is a common yet crucial dental procedure for removing decayed, infected or impacted teeth. You may want to know what precautions have to be taken before opting for a tooth extraction.
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